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Integrations & APIs
Integrations & APIs
Integrations & APIs

About the Course

FullStory integrations drive collaboration, making it a breeze to share information, streamline workflows, and drive meaningful action across your organization. In this course, we’ll cover:

  • Passing custom user and event data to FullStory
  • Getting specific session URLs from FullStory
  • Getting user and event data from FullStory

This course should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Course Categories

Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. About this course
    2. Integrations Introduction
  2. Passing custom data into FullStory
    1. The Value of Passing Data
    2. Three Methods to Pass Data
    3. Data Layer Capture Video
    4. Data Layer Integrations
    5. Client APIs
    6. Server APIs
  3. Getting Session URLs from FullStory
    1. Sharing sessions in FullStory
    2. In-app Integrations
    3. Create your own Integration with JavaScript APIs
    4. Note & Share
  4. Exporting FullStory data
    1. Getting user and event data from FullStory
    2. Data Export
    3. Segment Export
    4. Next steps
    5. Course Evaluation
Integrations & APIs
Integrations & APIs
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

FullStory integrations drive collaboration, making it a breeze to share information, streamline workflows, and drive meaningful action across your organization. In this course, we’ll cover:

  • Passing custom user and event data to FullStory
  • Getting specific session URLs from FullStory
  • Getting user and event data from FullStory

This course should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Course Outline
  1. Introduction
    1. About this course
    2. Integrations Introduction
  2. Passing custom data into FullStory
    1. The Value of Passing Data
    2. Three Methods to Pass Data
    3. Data Layer Capture Video
    4. Data Layer Integrations
    5. Client APIs
    6. Server APIs
  3. Getting Session URLs from FullStory
    1. Sharing sessions in FullStory
    2. In-app Integrations
    3. Create your own Integration with JavaScript APIs
    4. Note & Share
  4. Exporting FullStory data
    1. Getting user and event data from FullStory
    2. Data Export
    3. Segment Export
    4. Next steps
    5. Course Evaluation

Course Categories
